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The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

World behind the curtain / Cheat sheet for shoppers / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent / Real Estate Abroad

Explore these amazing online resources for registering a real estate business in Europe!

If you're considering registering a real estate business in Europe, this blog will be a treasure trove for you. Here, we will discuss which countries offer the most attractive conditions for your...

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World behind the curtain / Newcomer in the real estate market / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent / Hidden Heroes of Real Estate

The Emergence of the Broker Profession in Estonia

Today, we invite you on a fascinating journey through the pages of history to explore the past of Estonia. Few ponder about the origins of the broker profession. This video will reveal intriguing...

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The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

Can I sell a flat through Facebook?

What is crucial when aiming to stand out online and how to deal with negative comments? Igor Volkov, a real estate broker, explains. How to sell property on Facebook? There are several ways to do so....

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Legal intricacies in real estate / World behind the curtain / Expert opinion / Newcomer in the real estate market / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

How to avoid eviction due to non-payment?! Expert advice and legal protection!

Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation where you were evicted from your apartment due to non-payment of rent? Especially if it happened in another country, let's say, in Estonia?...

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Legal intricacies in real estate / World behind the curtain / Newcomer in the real estate market / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

Understanding the laws of Estonia: How can a landlord increase the rent during the contract period? Let's delve into the details!

Changing the rental cost The owner of the apartment can increase the rent if the contract is concluded for an indefinite period. Before changing the cost, the owner must: Notify the tenant in writing...

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Legal intricacies in real estate / World behind the curtain / Expert opinion / Hands of a Smart Home / Newcomer in the real estate market / Cheat sheet for shoppers / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

No worries, having property in Estonia is not a problem! Find out how you can end up without an apartment due to utility debts.

Thousands of Russians who own property in Estonia find themselves in a difficult situation, unable to access their own property. They cannot pay for utilities or carry out repairs. They are coming...

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Mortgage or Home Loans / Legal intricacies in real estate / World behind the curtain / Newcomer in the real estate market / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

Joint Credit and Divorce in Estonia: Important Information You Need to Know!

Solving the housing issue as a couple: Buying a house on credit together increases the chances of getting better housing. But when dividing property after a divorce, it is important to consider...

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Promising areas for investment / World behind the curtain / Expert opinion / Market trends and future forecasts / Newcomer in the real estate market / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

Forecasting the rental market situation in Tallinn for 2024.

The housing market situation in Tallinn is stable. Every year, there are more options available for renting, and despite the increased interest in high-quality apartments, the cost of renting...

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Great deals / Expert opinion / Newcomer in the real estate market / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

Mistakes When Renting Your First Apartment That Could Bankrupt You! Read to Avoid Financial Disasters!

The Beginning of Independence: Keys to Renting. As you enter the era of independence with your first own corner, it is important to realize the burden of responsibilities that come with it. Becoming...

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Promising areas for investment / World behind the curtain / Expert opinion / Hidden Heroes of Real Estate / The Superpowers of a Real Estate Agent

A private real estate brokerage service of the economy class, providing a more informed choice of investments.

Embark on an exciting journey of a client who aimed to invest in Tallinn real estate and discover how our expert brokerage services at Goldgate OÜ helped him successfully invest his money in...

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