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Articles about real estate in Estonia » Legal intricacies in real estate » How to avoid eviction due to non-payment?! Expert advice and legal protection!

How to avoid eviction due to non-payment?! Expert advice and legal protection!

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How to avoid eviction due to non-payment?! Expert advice and legal protection!

Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation where you were evicted from your apartment due to non-payment of rent? Especially if it happened in another country, let's say, in Estonia? Here's what you can do!

First of all, don't panic! This happens more often than you think, and there are resources that can help. Contact your embassy or local council, they are here to assist in such situations.

Secondly, know your rights! Familiarize yourself with local laws regarding tenant rights and eviction procedures. In Estonia, for example, a landlord cannot simply throw you out without following the legal process.

Thirdly, communicate! If you are facing financial difficulties, talk to your landlord. They may be more understanding than you think and even agree to a debt repayment plan.

Finally, seek professional help. Local charitable organizations offer free consultations and support for those in difficult housing situations. In Estonia, you can turn to the Estonian Union for Child Welfare for assistance.

Remember, eviction is not the end of the world! There is always a way out. Be strong and keep your head held high!

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