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Comparison of Additional Services Offered by Landlords in Tallinn

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Comparison of Additional Services Offered by Landlords in Tallinn

In their quest to attract and retain tenants, landlords in Tallinn employ various methods. One of them is providing additional services and amenities. Recently, real estate agent Igor Volkov conducted a survey in his Facebook group, which revealed that 38% of landlords have started offering more household appliances, while 47% of respondents believe that nothing has changed, and only 7% noted the provision of free Wi-Fi access. Let's compare these trends.

More Household Appliances (38%)

Landlords who choose to offer more household appliances are betting on increasing the comfort of living. This may include modern washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, and other devices that make daily life more convenient and save tenants time. Having a full set of household appliances is an attractive feature, as tenants do not need to buy or transport their own equipment.

Stability of Services (47%)

47% of respondents did not notice any significant changes in landlords' offerings. This may be due to an already established high level of service or landlords' reluctance to invest additional funds in improving housing conditions. For tenants, this means that the market remains stable, and they can expect a standard set of services.

Free Wi-Fi (7%)

Only 7% of landlords provide free Wi-Fi. This can be attributed to several reasons. Perhaps some landlords have concluded that maintaining a quality internet connection is expensive, or they are considering the possibility of including the cost of Wi-Fi in the overall rental price. For potential tenants, this may be a drawback, as access to the internet is one of the key needs of modern society.


The changes in additional services offered by landlords in Tallinn demonstrate the diversity of approaches to attracting and retaining tenants. Improving household equipment can significantly enhance the attractiveness of the property, while the stability of services indicates a mature and saturated market. The discontinuation of free Wi-Fi may signal a need to reconsider pricing or service offerings. Each of these factors influences potential clients' decision-making process when choosing a property and can have a significant impact on the competitiveness of real estate offerings in the Tallinn market.

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