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Articles about real estate in Estonia » Market trends and future forecasts » Changed Realities: What is happening in the rental housing market in Estonia in 2024?

Changed Realities: What is happening in the rental housing market in Estonia in 2024?

Market trends and future forecasts / Expert opinion / Newcomer in the real estate market
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Changed Realities: What is happening in the rental housing market in Estonia in 2024?

Your observation about the current situation in the rental housing market in Estonia is quite accurate. Indeed, there may be many changes in 2024, especially in light of the rising unemployment and economic instability.

Some people notice that more and more people are moving out of rented apartments in Tallinn, and this may be related to the current economic situation. People may be looking for more affordable housing options or moving in with relatives and friends to save on rent.

While many apartment owners, for example in the Lasnamäe area, believe they can rent out their apartments as full-fledged two-room apartments at downtown prices, the reality may be different. It all depends on the supply and demand in the market. If demand decreases and supply increases, prices are likely to decrease.

At the same time, if the economic situation improves and people's opportunities grow again, the demand for rental housing may recover, and apartment owners will have to adapt to the new conditions.

Economic fluctuations are normal for any market, and the rental housing market is no exception. However, for those looking for rental housing, this may mean an opportunity to find more affordable options. So, despite all the difficulties, it is not worth losing optimism. After all, every cloud has a silver lining.

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