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Comparison of Changes in Rental Listings in Tallinn in 2024: Decrease or Growth?

Market trends and future forecasts / Expert opinion / World behind the curtain / Newcomer in the real estate market
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Comparison of Changes in Rental Listings in Tallinn in 2024: Decrease or Growth?

The analysis of the rental housing market is an important indicator of the city's economic condition. In Tallinn, like in many European capitals, there is a dynamic development of the real estate market. In 2024, users and market experts noticed certain trends in the number of rental listings. Let's consider which opinions prevail: whether the number of listings has decreased or increased.


Some surveys and studies show that the number of rental listings in Tallinn has decreased. This can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Economic stability: Improved economic conditions in Estonia may lead to more people being able to afford buying their own homes, which reduces the demand for rentals.
  2. Legislative changes: The introduction of new laws regulating the rental market may affect the decrease in the number of short-term rental listings, especially through daily rental platforms.
  3. Demographic changes: A decrease in population or changes in migration flows can also lead to a decrease in demand for rental housing.


At the same time, there is data indicating an increase in the number of rental listings:

  1. Tourism development: Tallinn is a popular tourist city, and the growth in tourist flow can stimulate an increase in short-term rental listings.
  2. Real estate investments: Foreign and local investors actively invest in acquiring properties for subsequent rental, which increases the volume of listings on the market.
  3. Growth in student population: Expansion of educational programs and an increase in the number of foreign students can contribute to the growth in demand for rental housing.


Comparing survey data and statistical research shows that the rental market in Tallinn in 2024 is experiencing both positive and negative changes. It is important to take into account that different areas of the city may experience different trends depending on local conditions.

For a comprehensive understanding of the situation, it is necessary to delve deeper into the economic, social, and demographic factors that influence the rental market. Only a holistic approach will allow for informed conclusions and effective decision-making for both landlords and tenants.

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