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Secrets of Successful Real Estate Negotiations: How to Win Without Words

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Secrets of Successful Real Estate Negotiations: How to Win Without Words

Secrets of Successful Real Estate Negotiations: How to Win Without Words

The real estate industry in Estonia, like everywhere else, requires a special approach to negotiations. The success of negotiations often depends not only on words, but also on many non-verbal aspects.

Market knowledge - your strategic resource First and foremost, having up-to-date information about the real estate market in Estonia gives a significant advantage. Knowing the average prices of properties, trends in infrastructure development, and the country's economic climate allows you to effectively argue your position without excess.

Prepare your presence Visual contact often speaks louder than words. The importance of a first impression cannot be overstated. A professional dress style, confident behavior, and maintaining eye contact contribute to establishing trust from partners.

Body language - a quiet companion to success Gestures and facial expressions should be in line with the intentions expressed. An open posture, nods during listening, and calm gestures emphasize your interest and level of competence.

Silence - a professional tool Do not be afraid to pause or use the technique of silence after your opponent's proposals. This creates space for reflection and often compels the other party to disclose more favorable conditions.

Pay attention to the environment When negotiating the purchase or sale of a property in Estonia, pay attention to the environment where the dialogue takes place. A comfortable atmosphere can encourage more open communication.

These are the aspects that play a key role in successful real estate negotiations not only in Estonia, but also beyond its borders. The invisible assortment of tactics can effectively work towards results without explicit verbal formulations.

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