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How We Found Our Dream Home: An Exciting Story!

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How We Found Our Dream Home: An Exciting Story!

Greetings to everyone who has joined me in my story! Let me share our journey to creating our dream home.

In 2021, our whole family made a decision: we wanted to have our cozy country house, which would be our year-round fortress and sanctuary. We could envision it: a house like those beautiful pictures on the internet, with a Christmas tree in the yard and a sauna nearby.

During the summer of 2021, we purchased 3 acres of land in Klooga. It didn't take long before we were offered an additional 3 acres. Without hesitation, we bought them, expanding our plot.

At the new location, we set up a two-room trailer, brought in tools, connected electricity, and were already preparing for building the house the following year. But in the winter, an unpleasant surprise awaited us: our plot was robbed, with everything taken down to the last screw. It was a serious lesson for us and a setback to our plans.

Our neighbor, apparently seeing an opportunity in this situation, bought our acres. He planned to build his year-round house there.

Facing such a situation, we gathered around the negotiating table again and started thinking about how to proceed. We realized that we needed a plot with at least a small house already on it, where we could spend the night. After all, our finances were limited, but our desire was immense. And as we know, where there's a will, there's always a way!

So, our story is just beginning. But even now, we understand that every step, every obstacle is an experience that makes us stronger and helps us move forward towards our dream.

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