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Articles about real estate in Estonia » Promising areas for investment » The rental boom in Tallinn: what to expect in 2024? Expert's subjective opinion

The rental boom in Tallinn: what to expect in 2024? Expert's subjective opinion

Promising areas for investment / From crisis to boom / Market trends and future forecasts / Expert opinion
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The rental boom in Tallinn: what to expect in 2024? Expert's subjective opinion

Analyzing the current economic situation in Estonia, it can be said that the prospects for the rental market in Tallinn in 2024 are indeed promising and highly dynamic. Possible economic downturn in the country may lead to a decrease in rental prices, which, of course, will please potential tenants.

However, it is important not to forget that economic situations can change faster than we expect. It is possible that in a couple of years, the overall economy of Estonia will begin its recovery and rental prices in Tallinn will increase. And then it will be time for those who invested in real estate during the crisis.

Therefore, if you have plans to rent an apartment in Tallinn, now is the time to start monitoring the market and preparing for action. In 2024, you may expect amazing opportunities and new prices that could be significantly higher than the current ones.

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