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Invest in the future: A new residential area is growing near Tallinn.

Promising areas for investment / The Path to the Dream Home / Cheat sheet for shoppers
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Invest in the future: A new residential area is growing near Tallinn.

Construction in Sauwe

Construction of a new residential complex will begin in the Sauwe parish. The Hueyru district will be equipped with 169 new homes. The project includes various types of houses, from townhouses to individual ones.

Division of plots:

  • Avalon will receive a portion of 15.35 hectares for 72 houses. - The remaining houses will be located on the adjacent plot. The total area for construction is 33 hectares.

New Developments in Hueyru

The proximity to Tallinn, Keila, and Tabasalu makes the new Hueyru district attractive to residents. Here, natural beauty combines with convenient transportation.

Prospects in challenging times

Despite the difficulties in the housing market, investments in construction in Hueyru promise to be profitable. The economic crisis reduces the cost of construction, thus providing a unique opportunity for investors.

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