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Articles about real estate in Estonia » From crisis to boom » The housing market in Tallinn: Your chance to buy your dream cheaper

The housing market in Tallinn: Your chance to buy your dream cheaper

From crisis to boom / Newcomer in the real estate market / Market trends and future forecasts / The Path to the Dream Home
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The housing market in Tallinn: Your chance to buy your dream cheaper

There has been a decline in interest in buying property in Tallinn over the past six months. This is due to economic instability, rising unemployment, and increasing loan interest rates. As purchasing power decreases, apartment prices begin to fall, as evidenced by the increasing number of sales listings.

Housing market: current strategies

Current trends:

  • Reduced interest in buying expensive real estate on credit will persist.
  • Prospects for improving the situation are emerging.


  • Seize the moment to invest in rental business.
  • Consider buying affordable homes outside the city before demand rises.

Buyer and tenant advice:

  • Thoroughly analyze the market.
  • Look for optimal options before investing.

Real estate market advice

The market situation may be concerning, but there are solutions, the key is to be able to find them. Drawing on years of experience in the real estate sector, I propose an approach based on deep industry knowledge. It is important to gather current data and make informed choices, taking into account possible fluctuations in property prices in the foreseeable future.

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