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Articles about real estate in Estonia » Hidden Heroes of Real Estate » How to triple the value of your real estate? The answer is simple: consult a professional home stager!

How to triple the value of your real estate? The answer is simple: consult a professional home stager!

Hidden Heroes of Real Estate / World behind the curtain / Expert opinion / Newcomer in the real estate market
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How to triple the value of your real estate? The answer is simple: consult a professional home stager!

Home staging is the process of preparing residential properties for sale on the market. This term literally translates as "home scene." The main idea behind home staging is to make the property as attractive as possible to potential buyers.

The trend of home staging has emerged relatively recently, but it has already gained popularity. In the past, real estate sellers would simply clean up personal belongings and do a general cleaning before showing the property. Now, there are specialists - home stagers - who help create the perfect image of a "dream home" for potential buyers.

Home staging includes repairs, decoration, and interior styling to showcase all the advantages of the property and minimize its drawbacks. It can be as simple as rearranging furniture or a complete interior makeover using design solutions.

This trend has become particularly popular thanks to television shows and real estate blogs, where the home staging process is portrayed as an important and integral part of selling real estate.

So, if you have decided to sell your property, consulting a professional home stager or a qualified real estate agent with knowledge in this field can be a very useful solution. It will help you sell your property faster and possibly at a higher price by creating an optimal impression for potential buyers.

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